a fresh perspective —

We asked Layla, our new intern, to tell us about… well… ourselves. This is how she responded:

2020 and the Covid pandemic ushered in many changes to the world as we knew it. Due to quarantine, people stuck at home had time to reflect on their lifestyle and choices. This reflection ignited a health craze, where more people valued whole foods, exercise, and sustainable choices. A new market was emerging; one where, more than ever, people wanted to pursue healthier alternatives.

At the height of quarantine, coffee replacements started to go viral on social media. People began making new recipes and trying substitutes, such as matcha and chai. In comes roo.bru: a coffee alternative. This new ‘bru provided sustained energy without the negative side effects such as jitters, anxiety, and the dreaded afternoon crash.

With a color palette of warm yellows, oranges, and white, and an Aussie sense of humor sprinkled throughout their content, there is a youthful and fun energy portrayed from roo.bru. For those who want to break their coffee habit and opt for a healthier alternative, it’s hard to imagine a better option.

Molly Kirk, interrupted mid-photoshoot by a handsome fella

So, what makes roo.bru the best on the market? Flavor and caffeine content.

roo.bru has a similar taste to coffee (but with hot chocolate and chai flavors) and has 40 mg of caffeine (the average cup of coffee has 90 mg). This differentiates the ‘bru because other coffee alternatives have significantly less caffeine and taste distinctly different from coffee (i.e. like mushrooms… we’ll let you decide on that one).

For those looking for a healthy change, roo.bru is a great option as it eases the transition from coffee to a healthier morning routine. Enough caffeine keeps energy levels high and prevents withdrawal symptoms, while other ingredients stimulate health in different areas of the body. In other words, it’s good for ya mate!


Cheers Layla, we enjoyed that!


trying something new —